How we use your information
This website is operated by the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC).
We take your privacy seriously. This policy tells you how we use the information that you may submit to us, through online forms or indirectly through your web browser. We follow data protection regulations and make sure that:
We will never sell your information or pass it to third-parties beyond what is required for the function of this website, a service you request from us or the law.
We will only keep your information for as long as is required for the function of this website, or the service your request from us.
We will keep your personal data safe using reasonable security safeguards against unauthorised access, loss or theft.
We take extra care when we ask for sensitive personal information from you.
This privacy policy does not cover any external links to websites not operated by SCDC.
This information was last updated in March 2018.
Visitors to this website
Google Analytics
We use a third-party service called Google Analytics to log the number of users who visit this site, what pages they look at and other information that is provided by your web browser (such as your IP address).
You can read about their privacy policy here.
This website is hosted on a third-party content management system called Squarespace. Squarespace collects analytical information about your use of the website and their systems notify us when you submit information to us, for example, through an online form.
You can read their privacy policy here and their cookie policy here.
Contacting us
When contacting us, we will use the information you send us (such as your name and email address) to respond to your enquiry. That may include passing your message around staff members at SCDC to deal with your enquiry appropriately, however we won’t share your information with any third party unless stated below, or we ask you first.
We use a third-party service called Gmail to receive email.
You can read its privacy policy here.
If you submit information using an online form on this website Squarespace will notify us when you submit information to us.
You can read their privacy policy here and their cookie policy here.
If you sign up for regular newsletters or join our network
By signing up for regular updates and becoming a member of our network we will store your information in our membership database. This information will be kept until you ask us to remove it.
This information is only accessible to SCDC staff and we won’t share it with any third-party unless stated below.
We may use your information to compile anonymous statistics about our network, such as the number of members or the make-up of the membership.
Google Sheets
We store membership information using a third-party service called Google Sheets.
You can read its privacy policy here.
We use a third-party email marketing service called Mailchimp. This service logs which emails you open, which links you click and other information sent by your email client. We use this information in aggregate to improve the way we work.
You can read their privacy policy here.
If you sign up to one of our events
When attending our events we ask for information to keep you informed about the event (dates, times, programme etc). You will only be sent information related to this event and, unless you opt to, will not be sent general information such as regular newsletters.
Funders, partners and venues
We may occasionally share limited personal information with our funders, partners or venues, provided they have adequate data protection policies in place.
Google Sheets
We store your information using a third-party service called Google Sheets.
You can read its privacy policy here.
Sensitive personal data for events
When attending our events we ask if you have any accessibility or dietary requirements which we use to make reasonable adjustments to our event and planning (e.g. larger font size or food allergy).
This information is classed as ‘sensitive personal information’ and we treat this information with greater care. This means:
We will not share this information with event attendees, funders or partners (e.g. through attendee lists).
We will not share this information with SCDC staff members not directly involved in the event organisation.
We will not use this information to decide places if the event is full or has a waiting list.
We will anonymously share this information with the venue or caterer as required.
We will store this information on our conference booking systems (see below).
We will delete this information immediately after the event has occurred.
This information is used minimally to help us cater our event to your needs. If you want to discuss how we use your sensitive personal data further please get in touch.
Submitting information for a survey
We may occasionally ask you to complete a survey or questionnaire. We will use this information in aggregate to make improvements to what we do or as part of a specific piece of work.
You do not need to submit any personal information to take part in our surveys, however we may ask you to include contact information in case we want to ask for more information about your survey response.
We may also ask for demographic information which could include sensitive personal information, which we will treat with greater care. This means:
This information will not be used in conjunction with your survey response.
We will only use this information in aggregate and anonymously to understand our audiences.
We will not share this information with SCDC staff members not directly involved in the survey.
This information will be deleted as soon as possible, once it has been analysed and aggregated.
Google Sheets
We store your information using a third-party service called Google Sheets.
You can read its privacy policy here.
Survey Monkey
We may store your information using a third-party service called Survey Monkey, which is operated by Survey Monkey Inc.
You can read their privacy policy here.
Your rights
Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you have rights as an individual which you can exercise in relation to the information we hold about you.
You can read more about these rights here.
Access to your personal information
You have the right to find out what information we hold about you. You can do this by making a ‘subject access request’. Once we receive this, we will:
give you a description of it;
tell you why we are holding it;
tell you who it could be disclosed to; and
let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.
You can make a request by contacting us.
Our contact information
You can get in touch with us by email You can also write to us:
Scottish Community Development Centre
Suite 305
Baltic Chambers
50 Wellington Street
G2 6HJ